Martyn Mawer is the Company’s longest serving engineer and probably one of the most experienced wheel alignment engineer’s in the UK. He joined the company in 1992 having previously trained as an agricultural engineer.

Even after 23 years service Martyn says he still comes across new technical challenges everyday. “There are always new vehicles to work on, new types of suspension, electronic control systems and various vehicle types like trucks, coaches, cranes, military vehicles etc. There is always something different to work on to keep the job interesting.”

The job requires specialised knowledge and all new Steertrak recruits get extensive in house training before being put out on the road. “Even when I am dealing with fully qualified HGV technicians I find there is a lot about wheel alignment they don’t know. That’s why when they come to work at Steertrak we assume they no nothing and all recruits are given extensive in house training.

After working for a few years Steertrak Engineers become recognised as specialists in the field.

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