Steertrak attended this year’s Commercial Vehicle show at the NEC and were delighted with the interest and support shown. As well as highlighting new services such as mobile on vehicle disk skimming and Automatic Cruise Control Radar Alignment, Steertrak also invited visitors to guess how much fuel “Dave” saved after having the wheel alignment corrected on his truck.
For those that entered the competition here is the answer to “Guess How Much Fuel Dave Saved Each Day”:
A sample truck is
averaging 2400 miles a week and running with a fuel economy of 8.5 mpg. The owner gets the whole vehicle checked
and all the wheels and axles were aligned by Steertrak. For the following three months the fuel
economy is measured again and it is shown to have improved to 8.83 mpg. (+3.9%). That means a saving of 1.76 gallons or
8.03 litres of fuel each day.
In monetary terms that is
£7.56 +VAT per day or £2313 +VAT per annum on just one truck. The Steertrak
Service cost less than £150 + VAT.
Winner: There were three entrants guessing exactly 8 litres and the winner drawn out of a hat was Mr. Reynolds from Derbyshire